Hard work and dedication saw these families complete 10 weeks of training with the assistance of a Burmese translator. 11 Burmese families consisting of 20 people, successfully completed course 33 and graduated on September 23 2009. Burmese families gathered each week on a Thursday evening from 5.30pm - 8.00pm to participate in Computers in Homes and learn Internet/Email and Word Processing. In addition to Computers in Homes, the families also participated and completed four Digital Step for work modules from Stepping UP.
Certificates were presented by Winnie Laban. Also present at the graduation were: E-Learning trust members; Graham Kelly, Pamela Meekings-Stewart and Wendy Betteridge, Plimmerton Rotary Club President; David Pine and Refugee Migrant Service (RMS) Director; Jay Edwin.
A big thank you to all the Refugee Migrant Service (RMS) volunteers who attended and assisted the families they support to take their computers home.