Another 25 families successfully graduated from Computers in Homes on 30 June 2010. Students received 10 weeks training, a computer with 6 months broadband and technical support on completion. Mayor Jenny Brash and Aotea College Principal Tim Davies-Colley handed out certificates on graduation day. A huge thank you to Plimmerton Rotary for providing voluntary mentoring and support during this programme.
‘It was fantastic to see all of our graduates grow in stature and confidence during the course and note everyone, without exception, found new ideas and opportunities to explore on-line. It was also very heartening to facilitate a number of students now being able to sign up for further education with Whitireia Community Polytechnic and others being given work experience assistance through our Rotary Club Mentors. The future of the Computers in Homes Programme in Porirua continues to grow with the real needs of our Community’. (Michael Stevens - e-Learning Project Manager)
More photos for course 36 are available via